Android + MegaSquirt

msDroid is an application for Android smartphones and tablets being developed for use with the MegaSquirt® range of electronic fuel injection controllers. It aims to provide logging, fully customisable gauge dashboards, tuning, and graphical log viewing. This shall remain a completely free application. This application is presently in alpha development. Contact the author at


Android app on Google Play
Dashboard screenshot

msDroid features

  • Powerful Graphical Log Viewer allows review of log files, including when a log file is live (is being recorded). Finger-pinch zooming and swipe scrolling. The viewer can be configured for a specified number of 'divisions' (split Y-axes).
  • Compatible with (and is entirely configured by) MegaSquirt® INI files.
  • To be used with a suitable Bluetooth→RS232 interface that must be pre-set to 9600kbps (MS1) or 115200kbps (MS2)
  • Presently compatible with MS1 and MS2 (with MS3 compatibility in development). Automatically detects ECU software version.
  • Front-page dashboard which supports adding, removing, resizing, and drag-and-drop of gauges. Multiple pages that can be swiped between.
  • Datalogging to devices's internal memory or SD card. Logs may be viewed using the internal Graphical Log Viewer. Logs may be easily emailed (export to MSL coming later).
Graphical log viewer screenshot